theIndonesian – The government is currently working on a revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 191/2014 on the Supply, Distribution and Retail Selling Price of Fuel. However, the revision has been delayed from the planned target.
Previously, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif said that the revision of Presidential Regulation 191/2014 regulates the energy subsidy mechanism and will be completed by June 2024.
However, Erika Retnowati, Head of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), said that the revision may not be completed in June, given that there are a number of things that must be discussed.
“If June is not yet possible, because there are still several things that must be discussed together. I cannot estimate (when it will be completed) because the decision is made by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy,” Erika said Tuesday (14/5).
Regarding the development of the revised Perpres itself, Erika said that until now it is still being processed. The focus of discussion is on consumer criteria.
“It is still in process, maybe later when the decision comes out. It is still being discussed between ministries, so there are several related ministries that we discuss together, including the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy,” he explained.
As for the points of change in the revision of Presidential Regulation No. 191/2014, among others, a vehicle category will be made based on its class. So that it can be sorted out which vehicles can use Pertalite, which ones can use diesel.
“Generally, those that are given diesel fuel are vehicles that transport food, staples, public transportation, so as not to increase the burden on people in need,” Arifin Tasrif explained on a separate occasion.
The Indonesian